StrataNet Unplanned Outage – Kaipara – 21-Jul-2022
This email from Stratanet this morning (how disappointing for our community and their users that someone would do this!):
Dear Customers,
This is in regards to the unexpected outage we had at our Kaipara tower which would have affected our Kaipara, glorit and South Head customers. There was an act of vandalism at our tower last night around 9:30 PM where some one had tried to cut the cables by ripping them out. There were also signs of other break-in in the hopes of finding some other goods to steal.
This outage was resolved at around 12 AM. We’ve put some temporary solutions in place to get the site online. The site is currently running off a secondary backhaul which could mean slightly slower speeds on your connection at times. However, this backhaul will keep the site running while we access and fix the damage as soon as possible.
We would like to apologize for the inconvenience. And will keep you updated once the tower is back running on full capacity.
The StrataNet Team