1 – Ahuroa School Vacancy

The Ahuroa School Board of Trustees is urgently looking for a new Minutes Secretary.

The ideal person will:
– have excellent written English skills
– be familiar with meeting procedure (standing orders)
– be discerning, and able keep confidential information confidential
– be confident with ICT
Our Board generally meet once a month.
Please email [email protected] to register your interest.
Michelle Nell
Ahuroa School

2 – Home Baked Desserts For Sale
Ahuroa School have been generously given several boxes of organic pears and apples.  With thanks to Ahuroa’s very talented Angela Gibson, next week they will be selling Salted Caramel Pear Cake ($15), Chocolate Pear Cake ($15), Apple Strudel ($15) and Apple Crumble ($12) to be collected from school next Friday 8 April from lunchtime until 5.30pm. Orders need to be made by next Wednesday 6th.

Orders can be submitted online here or by emailing the school office: [email protected]

Warm Regards

Ahuroa School

3 – Robotics School Holiday Program
We are very excited to be able to offer a NXT Lego Mindstorm Robotics School Holiday Program on the 19th and 26th of April, 9am-2pm in our new Tech room, run by Theressa Butler.  All 5-12 year olds welcome.  Morning tea provided.  $30 per child per day.

Spaces limited, bookings essential.  Email: [email protected]
See poster:

Warm Regards

Ahuroa School