
Most of you know me as the Ahuroa Grapevine administrator, some of you know me personally.  This note is more to those who know me, but everyone is welcome to respond.

I’m seeking support for my application to become an independent marriage celebrant. – In order for my application to be successful it needs to fulfil the following criteria:

To become a celebrant, I need to show that:

  • I’m of good character
  • I’ll conscientiously perform the duties of a celebrant, and
  • making me a celebrant is in the interest of my community or the general public.

To show this, when I apply I need:

  • at least 4 letters of support from people in my community
  • 2 referees to complete the Good character form
  • a copy of your criminal conviction history.

(I can take care of the last two of those, I need some assistance with the first one)… If you would like to come act in support of me doing this, then I would welcome your help please.

Without telling you what to write, I would ask that if you want to provide a letter of support for me, then you might write a formal letter, with your details appropriately provided at the top, dated, and addressed ‘To whom it may concern,’.

You might like to include some personal indications as to why you feel I might do a reasonable job, you might like to reflect on some of the community based work / effort I have put in, both in terms of the Grapevine, and perhaps also my ability to commit to, and see things through (such as the internet supply commissioning through Stratanet etc).??

Anyway, I’m hoping that I might be able to find some support for this (x4). If you would like to help me, then please consider sending me a letter of support which you would be happy for me to use, please either email it to me (in Word Document format, signed to [email protected]  or print it and drop it off to me at 57 Martin Access Rd.

Thank you very much in advance, regards,

Chris Wiltshire, your Ahuroa Grapevine Admin…