Hi Everyone,
We have our next and last Ahuroa Pony Club rally for this season coming up on Thursday 31st March. Starting at 4:30pm till about 6:30pm, again at the Bullocks property at 247 Wech Access.
Everyone is welcome, but please let us know if you are coming and need to hire a horse or pony. We will teach some general horsemanship and also horseriding skills. Pony Club costs $5 and horse/pony hire is $10 for the 2 hours.
We are planning to start Pony Club up again later in the year, so stay tuned as we will put the word out on the grapevine when its time.
Excitingly we are also planning an end of season Ribbon Day event. This is a super fun day (most likely Saturday 9th April at 9am) for everyone. We bring in a Judge and do heaps of fun events and activities, including bending races, walking or trotting races, flat classes and jumping classes. There will be something for everyone and many ribbons to go around!
Any questions please contact Christine Bullock 09 422 5598 or Jo Bullock 09 973 3687.